Our Programs

Admissions & Programs

LearNing through play

Our curriculum is designed to capitalize on your child’s natural curiosity and promote development by supplying a rich variety of experiences. Additionally, because preschool is perhaps the first time your child will be separated from you and familiar surroundings, we will help your child develop appropriate ways of relating to new friends and other adults, to share, and to develop self-control and responsibility in a safe, warm, loving, Christ-centered environment.

Beyond the Books

Because children are naturally creative, we offer ample opportunities to expand their creativity through play, art and music. Playful learning also focuses on language development, number concepts and reading readiness.

Fine motor skills and eye-hand coordination are developed through finger plays, puzzles, manipulative toys and art activities. Sensory experiences are provided by comparing and contrasting colors, shapes and sizes. Large muscles are developed through activities such as running, skipping, jumping and creative movement.


How To Register Your Child for Preschool

We’ve made our process simple so you can enroll your child and have them participating and benefiting in no time.

Call For Inquiry

(719) 598-0407

Email For Inquiry



Call in to speak with one of our leaders and make sure Wilson Christian Preschool is the right fit for your child.


Enroll your child and complete tuition which will add them to our class list and to Wilson Christian Preschool.


Bring your child on the days selected prepared to learn through play and have a wonderful time with their friends.



Educational Programs

We use a very select group of curriculum that are in line with mission of Wilson Christian Preschool. 

Creative Curriculum

The evolution of The Creative Curriculum® for Preschool is grounded in our commitment to early childhood educators. Over the years we’ve embraced innovation, updating the curriculum to keep pace with what teachers need in the classroom.

Handwriting without Tears

Children who master handwriting are better, more creative writers. The earlier we teach children to master handwriting, the more likely they are to succeed in school, and write with speed and ease in all subjects.

Additional Benefits

We provide a few other additional services that will provide you as a parent more peace of mind knowing we’re looking out for your child.


Vision Screening

Knowing the health of your childrens sight is imperitive to giving them the best shot at successfully learning.

Hearing Screening

Testing your childrens hearing and knowing where they’re at can be critical in helping them be their best.